Assorted renders in Rhino and Blender

“Magma” Headphones. Based on album art by Hibiki Miyazaki, for the band Gojira. (this is a fan project)
- headband: cork sheet interior, aluminum or plastic exterior (for rigidity and aesthetics, creased/bent in ways that follow album cover graphics)
- mesh of speaker driver cover screen printed (waves from album cover)
- sun on shell of speaker.

Children Books for climate change
The children of today are the adults of 2050: a very different climate-changed landscape. The concept is to make books that embody the ecological, material and socioeconomic realities of the future (climate migration, housing and material, extinction of species, natural disaster...). The latter are reflected in the titles and activities contained in the book.

Traditional water pitcher redesigned. Briqs / Ibriqs are usually in terracotta (cools the water via evaporative cooling) but glass is also popular.

I prepared a positive form for a plaster mold for slipcasting. 

Watch with symbols
