Providing natural light to indoor spaces (underground, basements, homes) via fiberoptic cables.

The sun’s spectral composition is more balanced and pleasant than artificial light sources. It would also allow us to experience sun-rise and sun-sets; which are essential at regulating our circadian cycle.

This prototype captures the most sunlight it can by following the sun’s angle. The UV and some infrared are filtered before the light is concentrated on a fiberoptic bundle that routes it elsewhere.

This is a collaborative mechnical engineering capstone project at NYUAD (2014).

The prototyped mechanism involves a fresnel lens that concentrates sunlight into a fiber optic bundle. The lens has two degrees of rotational freedom and rotates with stepper motors (controlled by an arduino). Since the movement of the sun across the sky during different seasons / at different locations is well documented, there is no need for sensors to track the sun; a tabulated list of dates, times and angles is sufficient. We had a analog stick set up for demonstration.

The light can travel through the fibers with virtually no drop in brightness (attenuation). Market alternatives mainly use polished aluminum tubes for transmission, which is reasonable for short lengths but will reduce brightness as the light is attenuated with every bounce inside the tube.
