public installation to surface difficult to discuss topics and concepts

Despite living in the information age, people remain unaware of how urgent some issues may be to others in their immediate / global community.
Current man-made constraints limit the educational and communicative potential of mediascapes. Social media platforms and search engines create what is often called the ‘filter bubble’, preventing the free flow of alternative views, novel concepts, and empathy that traverses borders.
Current man-made constraints limit the educational and communicative potential of mediascapes. Social media platforms and search engines create what is often called the ‘filter bubble’, preventing the free flow of alternative views, novel concepts, and empathy that traverses borders.
Collaborative project,
RISD, 2019
Majed BouGhanem,
Wen-Yu Du,
Zimeng Xiang.
RISD, 2019
Majed BouGhanem,
Wen-Yu Du,
Zimeng Xiang.
We wanted to find out what the public thought the most urgent issues were the near future. We brainstormed topics, wrote them on stickers that people can place on a plot to represent how urgent (y axis) the issue is, and how personally relevant (x axis) it is.
based on the results above and some focus group feedback, we formed few personas:

based on the results above and some focus group feedback, we formed few personas:

halfway between random and precise, the controls allow for a person (or more) to fiddle with different meta-parameters that describe the database of information/knowledge. For example, sea-level rise is an ethically relevant, time-dependent phenomena that involves multiple people - hence the 1’s in those respective columns, (link to the table of words we compiled)

Wrote a python script to run on a raspberry pi that opens different webpages gifs that visualized definitions of different words.